Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Perfect Gift

Those of you that have been reading my blog for a while may remember that 2 years ago Luke gave me the best birthday present I had ever received: an ear to ear smile when I got him out of bed that morning. You can refresh your memory here: Amazing Gift. Today he topped that gift. This morning when I went to get Luke out of bed our conversation went like this:

Me: Today is Mommy's birthday. Can you say Happy Birthday?
Luke: Happy birthday Mom!
Me: Will you give Mom a big hug and kiss for my birthday?
Luke gave me a huge hug and multiple kisses (that was enough for me but it got better).
While I was getting him dressed a few minutes later:
Luke: Happy birthday again?
Me: You can tell Mom happy birthday all day long.
Luke (very enthusiastically): Happy Birthday!

I had several people ask me today whether or not Luke understood that it was my birthday. The above answers that rather emphatically for me. By far he is the greatest gift I will ever receive!

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